October 18, 2024

After devastating earthquakes almost a decade ago and a terrorist attack on two Christchurch mosques in 2019, the city of property video Christchurch is a symbol of resilience. Its downtown area has become a vibrant scene of rejuvenation, new buildings, and cultural creativity.

But the disappearance of a 44-year-old woman has changed how some real estate agents go about their business. The Herald understands Yanfei Bao was door-knocking when she disappeared on July 19.

Brooksfield Townhouses

Designed to resemble heritage homes from the Victorian era, these townhouses are set apart by their unique exteriors. They feature a mix of stone and brick and uPVC double glazing that allows for a heritage aesthetic without the need to clean around the bars. The interiors are also quite different, with large living spaces and separate kitchens.

While some developers are pushing high-density developments, Brooksfield has taken a more conservative approach. The company only builds a maximum of four houses per hectare and uses English architects like Ben Pentreath to design the buildings. It has also made sure to preserve as many trees as possible. This is because the company believes that green spaces are important for urban environments.

The company has refined its market strategy over the years, and now focuses on less expensive areas of Christchurch. It also specializes in the under-$750,000 market, where it has found success. It has also shifted away from building modern homes, and instead focuses on heritage designs that are more popular with buyers.

While the company has enjoyed considerable success, it is facing challenges in the current market. The Christchurch housing market is cooling, and the company’s sales are dwindling. The company is also facing competition from other developers who are offering more affordable homes. However, if the company can continue to offer competitive prices and quality construction, it should be able to weather the storm.

Is Brooksfield a good developer?

One of the property developers Opes Partners recommends, Brooksfield Townhouses, has a distinct look that stands out in Christchurch’s New Build market. Directors Vincent Holloway and Oliver Hickman are known for their heritage-inspired townhouse designs, which they believe are a better approach to densification than what’s currently available in Christchurch suburbs.

The company has been able to weather the housing market slowdown and continue to sell homes. However, they are scaling back the number of developments and focusing on smaller sites with fewer homes per development to improve sales. They are also experimenting with homes that combine a modern interior with a heritage exterior.

A Brooksfield home on Bunyan St in Waltham is a good example of this. The house has a Coro Street-style façade with an established tree left in place on the footpath to give the street some character.

Brooksfield townhouses are more expensive than other New Build properties, but they offer a unique design that makes them stand out. As a result, they are attracting owner-occupiers who are willing to pay a premium for something different. However, as with any investment, cashflow must be judged on a deal-by-deal basis. For example, although Brooksfield townhouses cost more than other new builds, they don’t always get a higher rent.

Is Brooksfield the right fit for me?

Brooksfield builds unique, English heritage-style properties. Their design stands out from other Christchurch townhouse developers. This is because they often take inspiration from cities like London and New York. They also build smaller developments with fewer townhouses, which means they can offer a more exclusive property. Their floor plans are also different from other Christchurch New Build townhouses. For example, some of their properties have a separate lounge and kitchen-dining area, which is typical of English houses.

This makes Brooksfield a good option for property investors who are willing to pay a premium for a unique property. At Opes Partners, we recommend Brooksfield properties to clients who are looking for a safe, secure investment in Christchurch.

Is Brooksfield a good investment?

There is no doubt that Brooksfield townhouses are attractive, especially for owner-occupiers looking to buy a heritage-inspired property. Their designs are pretty and they stand out from other developers who are building new properties in the same suburbs. However, Brooksfield’s unique design means that their properties are also more expensive.

This was not the case when they started, but as they become more established their prices rise relative to other developers in the same suburbs. This is partly due to the fact that they are building a brand and selling into a market that hasn’t yet seen the impact of rising interest rates.

But is it a good investment? Ultimately, this will depend on whether you are willing to pay the premium for a unique design and how long you plan to hold the property. For investors, we’d suggest taking a look at the numbers and judging each deal on a case-by-case basis. The higher sales price doesn’t necessarily translate into more rental income, and as a result, their townhouses may not perform as well as other developers’ offerings.

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