February 22, 2025

Gallon per minute, also known as GPM is a measurement of how fast water or other liquid passes though a given cross-sectional area. It is a unit of volume flow rate and can be measured in either US liquid or British imperial gallon (about 3.785411784 liters). For more information about the GPM read Flow Rate and Its Relation to Velocity from LibreTexts Physics website.

GPM is a common water measure used in describing how much water a pump can push in one minute. It is often used in conjunction with Head measurements to describe the overall performance of a pump. Most pumps are listed with both a GPM and a Head rating, so that people can compare the two measurements together.

To calculate GPM take the volume of a container, such as a bucket, and time how long it takes to fill up completely using a stopwatch. Divide this time in seconds by the container’s capacity and multiply by 60 to get the GPM. For the best accuracy, repeat this process three to four times and then average the results.

Our GPM calculator supports multiple units of measurement and can convert LPM to GPM, GPM to LPM, gallons per hour to gallons per minute and more. If you need to convert a different unit, simply change the value in the first field of the calculator and then enter your number into the other field. You can reset the GPM calculator by clicking the reload calculator button. gpm to lpm converter

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