October 18, 2024

Many people believe when they start their personal training business money will quickly fall from the sky. Fitness enthusiasts, such as yourself, always hear stories of fitness trainers making $100 plus per hour, and over $100,000 per year. I am the first to tell you; it is definitely possible.  When it comes to a personal trainer salary the possibilities are endless, especially with the aging baby boomer obesity rate, and people wanting to live longer, better quality lives.

Before you get too fired up, here is the complete truth about personal training. Most personal trainers don’t make $100 per hour, nor $100,000 per year. Why? Simply because they do not have a clue how to. Just by printing up a personal trainer business card does not necessarily guarantee you will immediately generate a six figure fitness income. Just as building any other business, it takes specialized knowledge, time, and a bit of patience.

The fact is the average salary of a personal trainer is around $30,000 dollars.  That is if you combine personal training business owners with club hired trainer employees.

If you look closely at the last paragraph, you will notice the word “average.” Average fitness trainer business knowledge, and work ethic will generally yield you an average $30,000 a year career. However, ask yourself one question. Do you want to generate an average personal trainer salary, or an above average one?

So what separates an average personal fitness trainer from an above average $100,000 per year fitness pro?

Marketing, and sales are the most responsible for the generation of a six figure personal fitness trainer income. As a matter of fact, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist in Exercise Physiology to generate a nice fitness trainer salary, Therefore, it is best to not only master exercise physiology, but to sharpen up on personal trainer marketing, and sales.

Secondly, high income earning fitness trainers understand the power of leverage, as well as fitness business planning. Upper income earning trainers know the value of time, and how to ultimately leverage that time. Some may run their own personal trainer business, while others offer value added products, and services for significant residual income.

The highly successful personal fitness trainers carefully plan their businesses by setting goals. They continue to monitor, and  change their course of action until they ultimately reach their desired income bracket. They are all about building their fitness trainer business.

Another variable that separates average income earners from elite trainers is total dedication towards continuing education. Even the trainers who generate the highest fitness trainer wages continue to educate themselves by investing their time, and money on personal training education.

I am not just referring to the latest exercise physiology research, but continuing personal trainer courses on fitness marketing, and sales. Success minded fitness pros’ are constantly trying to learn more so they can ultimately earn more.

Please understand, it is definitely possible to generate a significant personal trainer salary if you have the proper knowledge, and mindset in place. Model the success principles, and characteristics that other six figure trainers possess in order for you to build your ultimate personal trainer business.

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