October 17, 2024

The best job websites come with loads of listings alongside a broad range of features that make searching for jobs much less lonely. Some let you join social networks, making the process feel much less isolating, and others offer educational courses and career advice. Some also have quizzes and company reviews to give you a better idea of what it’s like to work at a particular employer before applying. And many of them don’t even cost a penny to use.

Some of the big players include Indeed, which routinely has more than a million jobs on its site at any given time. Its home page is packed with useful features, including the ability to search by keywords and filters that take into account things like whether you can commute by bus or train and whether a job offers flexible working. It also lists recommended jobs for you and highlights part-time and entry-level positions.

Alternatively, CV-Library lets you upload your CV and tells you what vacancies are available in your area. You can then set up alerts for specific industries or sectors and it will send you notifications of vacancies that match your criteria. Another option is Adzuna, which was founded in the UK and has millions of monthly visitors. It recently took over the operation of the Find a Job website, which was previously run by Universal Jobmatch.

Finally, Monster is a reliable choice that has some decent filtering options, although its listings aren’t as extensive as those of the bigger sites and it doesn’t allow you to add as many details to your profile. However, it’s a simple and straightforward site to use and has a good reputation. Online Job Advertising UK

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