October 7, 2024

The popular video game League of Legends boasts millions of players, billions in revenue, and the biggest eSports scene in the world. It’s also one of the most complex games to learn, with an extensive roster of champions and a ranked system that demands large skill growth for those who want to compete.

This article will examine why it’s so difficult to improve at League and what the game can teach us about our own motivations and behaviors. It’s intended for people interested in achieving high levels of improvement or playing competitively, such as those who are trying to break into the collegiate or professional ranks.

Before League was a mega-hit with millions of users and billions in revenue, it started as a secretive project of just two people working at Riot Games, Jeff Jew and Paul Beck. During the year-long period of development, Beck and Jew kept their work hidden from most of Riot’s staff and even their friends.

Whenever possible, they played other games and spent time with their families instead of at Riot offices. They were tasked with building what they referred to as “a DOTA clone very quickly.” However, the core team wanted to make the game more than just a clone.

This meant putting in long hours and sacrificing other aspects of life, including sleep. The end result was a game that felt very different than the one that we know today. The difference between the game then and now is the result of what Riot’s employees learned from their experiences putting the work in to improve. 롤대리

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