October 7, 2024

The truth is, we all want to feel validated. When we share something important, we want to know that the person listening is there for us. This means that they understand and appreciate the emotion we’re sharing, whether it be anger, anxiety or even happiness. If you’re in a relationship, validating the other person’s emotions is vital to a healthy relationship. In this article, we’re going to be talking about how to validate men’s feelings so that they feel understood, and able to talk about their emotions openly with you.

Validating a person’s feelings involves getting into their experience and understanding their perspective of the situation. This is an approach that many psychotherapists use, and it is very helpful for people who are struggling or upset. To validate someone, you must be present and attentive, and avoid interrupting or putting your own opinion in the conversation. In addition, you must try to avoid giving advice, or trying to solve the problem for them. Instead, you should ask open-ended questions and repeat back what they have said in your own words to show them that you are genuinely listening.

It’s also very important to remember that the person you are validating may be feeling something completely different than you are, and this is okay. When you’re attempting to validate someone, it is very helpful to empathize with their feelings by relating it back to a time in your own life that you have felt the same way, or saying things like: “I bet it’s hard to lose a friend” or “Many people would probably feel this way in your situation.” This can really help them see that you care about their feelings and their pain and are not dismissing their experience as invalid. validating men’s emotions

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