October 17, 2024

Counselling involves having a conversation with a qualified therapist about the challenges you are experiencing. The aim is to work through problems and explore solutions together in a safe, confidential and respectful relationship. Sessions can be face-to-face, over the phone or online, depending on your preference and what therapy best suits your needs.

The first stage is building trust with your therapist. A counsellor displays exceptional listening skills at this point and takes the time to get to know you as an individual. You will also need to be willing to talk about upsetting emotions and painful memories. This can be difficult to begin with and may make you feel worse, but it is vital for the counselling process.

Once you have built trust with your therapist, they will help you identify the root cause of the problem. They will also encourage you to take the steps necessary to change your behaviour. This may involve learning new coping mechanisms, exploring different ideas or even trying out activities. Counselling is not a quick fix and the goal is to address and improve long-term behavioural patterns.

Counsellors are trained to listen and support you without judgement. They will use a variety of techniques to provide you with space to discuss your concerns. By law, they must keep your conversations confidential unless there is risk of harm to yourself or others. Often, counsellors will use the philosophy of psychodynamics to encourage you to explore your past experiences and examine why you behave the way that you do. https://buckinghamshire.transformation-coach.co/

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