October 17, 2024

Bad credit reports can have substantially adverse effects on the credit rating and scores of a consumer. While in most cases it is the result of wayward financial habits and mismanagement of financial affairs, in certain cases, such problems result from erroneous entries in the credit report. It is therefore essential clearing the credit reports. A consumer should therefore learn about how to clear credit reports and the steps he or she needs to take in this regard.

Finding How Errors Can Occur

First and foremost step that a consumer should take is to find out how the errors could occur in the credit report affecting the credit scores adversely. Such errors can occur due to the following reasons.

  • Usually lenders report to one of the credit reporting agencies and the others do not have the information in time and erroneous reports about non payment of dues continue in their reports.
  • Accidental mix up of identity like two persons having same name and wrong entry of social security number can also result in such erroneous reports.
  • At times the erroneous reports could be result of identity theft and misuse by unscrupulous elements of the credit information of the consumer concerned.

Checking Out Credit Report

One of the essential parts of clearing the credit report is to check the credit report of all the three major credit reporting agencies from time to time.

  • Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), every consumer is eligible to get a free copy of his or her credit report once in every 12 months from the three major credit reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union.
  • In other circumstances of refusal of credit, employment, or insurance, and adverse effects on financial prospects also the consumer is entitled for a copy of free credit report from them. how to fix my credit

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